Saturday, February 28, 2009

Because that's how you should feel...

I feel that everyone who reads this blog should know that last night was my last game. I played with a sprained ankle, for almost the entire game. I told mama as she was driving me there, how funny it would be if I had the game of my life and beat the pink team (hardest team in the league.) Mama couldn't stay as it turns out, and papa had to work late. But here is the big news. I made 4 baskets all of which were swishes. I went home with one of my team-mates after the game. It was THE BEST GAME OF MY ENTIRE LIFE! I've never felt more proud or happy. The energy of that game was breath taking. My entire team played a hard game. They all did fantastic. And for the last game of the season we did pretty darn well. The final score was 13-21. And in relation to the title, after a game like that you should feel like you made something of yourself in that 1 hour of your life. Thanks for reading!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

This is happening RIGHTnow...

Kay is looking over some of her school work with Maddy. And they get to a picture Kay drew of the Boston Tea Party. And Maddy says "What happened at the Boston Tea Party Kay?" Kay smiled and says "It's when those people dumped coffee into that pond." Looking like "DUHHHH." It was funny.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009



I'm so sad. Me and Maddy almost cried.

Just to shake things up!

This morning was a murder and dear god TOP CHEF!

I was up real early this morning, and the story is to long to tell you about it. Tonight is the Top Chef finale. Carla better win! I'm afraid to watch it. I really don't wanna be disappointed. I may even cry if she doesn't win! And about this morning, lets just say I had to hold John at 6:00 am till 6:30. He wasn't crying though so that made life a bit easier. Yes everyone there will be a post RIGHT AFTER the Top Chef episode to let all you fabulous people know who won.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lilly And Her Needs.

God, a week without basketball and I'm barley alive. I CRAVE the feel of the ball in my hands. I CRAVE the sound of the ball bouncing up and down. AHHHH it's driving me nuts! It'll all end soon though. Gotta game on Thursday. =D

Sunday, February 22, 2009


"Some men just wanna watch the world burn"
--Michael Cain, Alfred, Dark Knight, 2008


Saturday, February 21, 2009

I had myself a good cry this morning.

I watched the ending of "Return Of The King" the last movie of the "Lord Of The Rings" trilogy. Man that ending is so happy and so sad all at the same time! Anna was making fun of me for crying. And I don't know I really needed to cry today. I've been feeling depressed.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Thursday, February 19, 2009


I think I got it to work NOW. If it doesn't, I'm gonna lose it completely! Arghhhh!

Monday, February 16, 2009

I really don't know.

I think it's catchy. Enjoy! =D

Please remember that while reading this blog there is...

Aloud. Thank you! Have a nice day!


I just ate some candy. It was quite good. Now everyone. I think I fixed the comments on my other blog. Please see if it works now. If not comment on THIS blog and notify me.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Kay says...

That she lost a tooth and that the tooth fairy took her dollar instead of giving her one. And she says that she REALLY did lose one. She stuck her hand in her mouth and screamed "It's GONE!" though she probably just found where her teeth ended. So now readers, the tooth fairy is a thief. Watch out where you put your dollars!


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Taylor Swift sucks (oh Happy Pukey Hearts Day)

This song should be illegal, for the worst, stupid lyric written, pathetic, retarded, song in America. It (along with her career) need to end. God it's so preppy and annoying!

Valentines Day, should also be illegal cause it just sucks all around. I puked up hearts like 8 times today!!! God!!!

Part of this anger is coming from losing my game last night, badly. So there you have it. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Oh yeah sure...

For those of you that I know read my blog I would like to remind you that you DON'T ever comment. Except of course for Andrea and my grandmother. Thanks to the both of you LOYAL people. To the rest of you ughhhhh. Yeah that's what you get. OH and has any of you people even looked at my art blog??? Hmmmm??? Here> Where You Look At Greatness


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cause Everyone Should Know If I Haven't said It Before

I'm not that nice. Well to my family I am. But I have a dark evil rather horrible side. Baked Lays are beast and everyone should know. Enjoy this post. Wow that title is long.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Yes well...

Blah Blah Blah.

Carmen was wondering...

What a Manatee looked like. SO here it is. I think their ugly. Hmm?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Valentines Sucks Here's Why

Your either the type of person to love or to hate V-day. I'm the second one. I don't know. I think it's sappy, girly, and annoying. It's a waste of calender space. It makes single people feel stupid about not having a lover. That's mean. Heck why not just call it "single feeling bad day". But anyway, don't be a V-day fan. The only thing good about the word Valentine is that it is in the name of a band I happen to enjoy listening to. In fact here is my favorite song by "Bullet For My Valentine" Enjoy =D

Thanks for reading!!!


What a weekend I had. I'll post about it tomorrow. Sorry you have to wait.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Cuz I feel like reminding you...

My Basketball pictures are today. There. Lovely right? He Ha Ho Hum Aha.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Yahoo. I went to practice and tomorrow is my game and pictures. Great. Good. Awesome.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Maddy took this photo. It speaks for itself. Click it and see the detail. It's amazing. Link. The link is right here.

Hey there..

In the post BELOW I meant "FOR" not "F" just so people know. And yes I can understand how that typo would sound and look quite bad. Thankyou.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Little Lilly Loving Lateness

I'm gonna sta up late tonight. (wahoo). I like the name f my blog!!!!! Do you???

Little Lilly rather Late

It's a little late for this post but im 13 now. YAY. No really that's good news. It better be. HAHA. ANYways I had a game that night a sadly lost. Not by that much thankfully and I thought I played a decent game. One of the girl's on my team made me a muffin with a candle!!! Adn two of my blog readers and beloved grandparents got me and i-pod NANO!!!!! It's just great. It's a dark blue. I use it ALOT. One of my friends who's blog is on the sidebar, (Chessie, Insane In A Good Way) did a preformance of Alice in Wonderland recently. YAYs 4 Tay! Oh and I'm changing my blog's name. Just something new. HeHe. Keep reading!

Oh and if you havn't already seen it Maddy has a newish photo blog. The pics are amazing! Look at it now. No, I mean it right now. GO!!!!

And soon I will be getting a new art blog.

NOW that's it. Bye Bye!