Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I keep missing days!
I'm doing some long rant tomorrow, for sure (;

Thursday, April 21, 2011

i hate teenagers.

everything has really sucked this week & things don't seem to be getting any better.

Monday, April 18, 2011

something has to change

so, it's spring break.
oh & sorry I've missed a few days of posting. Been a little busy.

So I was thinking the other day & I realized that I eat wayyy too much crud. It's really kind of sad. Too much freakin junk food lately. If I want to be the athlete I dream of being then my eating habits have to change. See, a real reason. Cause I hate when teenage girls who weigh like 90 lbs complain about being "fat". Oh, I'm not fat. I'm doing this for basketball. And so maybe I'll feel a little healthier after each meal. Wish me luck.

by the way, it's Holy Week.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

a rant

Some things just really set me off & sometimes it bothers me for days.

I know a lot of people my age who are just some really ungrateful people. They're so selfish and most times they love to tell everyone just how much about their lives sucks. Some of these kids give teenagers a bad name, (as if we don't already have one).
I think a lot of times my friends forget the point of having PARENTS. Their parents don't know about half the stuff going on in their kids lives simply because the kids refuse to have any kind of relationship with them. Dude, I don't know about them but I could never get by on friends alone. If you don't have your family, what do you have?
I tell my parents what's going on constantly. I never have to worry about what they're gonna say because no matter what it always makes me feel better. There is something that your parents can say to you that your friends could never. There is some kind of comfort they give that can only come from them. They who know you better than any of your friends ever will.
Don't get me wrong. I do have certain friends that I talk to about things alllll the time. And they know how to cheer me up when I'm down or give me some helpful advice. But even my bestfriend ever hears it all after my parents do.
If you can't trust that your parents are always going to be there to listen to you, then your obviously giving them little to no credit at all. Don't complain to me about how much you hate your parents and don't even try to tell me how they aren't there for you. Maybe if you stop bitching about them and actually go make things better, you'll be happier.

I love my parents.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

these days♥

So yesterdayy, I went to this fun fair thing at an elementary school near the house. I went with some of my bestfriends and met some really cool doods too.

It'd take forever to type about everything we did there.
So I guess I'll just say that I'm gonna remember that day forever.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

lets cut the crap

who are we trying to fool?
what are we constantly trying to prove?
that we can get get by without the most important things in life?
what a joke.

i got my family.
i got my friends.
i got my faith.
i have what's most important in life and i couldn't get by without them.

Friday, April 8, 2011

just one of those things

Let's pretend I have these friends, (HA KEEP DREAMING), anyways, these two friends are probably some of the closest ones I've got. I tell them each a lot. But I go to each of them for different reasons and normally about different things. It's not because I like one more than the other. It's not because I'm afraid to tell the other certain things. But sometimes I only feel comfortable telling one of them something. I always feel as if it's some kind of a competition. Because, well you know, I'm totally worth being fought over, duh. jkay.
Now let's pretend these two friends of mine don't get along. Like, at all. And let's say that they quite often feel like telling me how they feel about one another. Oh no, they don't talk to EACH OTHER. Pssh, who does that? No they take the safe route and only say things the other can't hear. Or they decide that they both want to hangout with me at the same time JUST so they can completely ignore each other and make things awkward. Smart.

Let's pretend this all really bothers me.
And let's pretend I'm NOT about to explode.

It's just one of those things.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

welcome back, me

I don't really know how to go about this..
For god sakes, it's been like a year since I really wrote on this thing.

What's happened since then ?
Too much. Sorry, I don't feel like going into detail.
But there are a few more important things that happened that I would like to mention.

Liiiike my new, tiny, beautiful, perfect, pure, baby sister.
Ohh, Mara. Just six pounds and six little ounces she is. She is just perfect. That's the only word I can use to describe her, honestly. Thank you, God.

And I'd also like to say that basketball was good this season. Very good. Had a great coach and met some really awesome people. My team also won the 15-18 GBA Girl's Championship. First time I've been on a team that won something big like that. I learned a lot about myself as a player this season..

So, I'll be posting later I guess.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I think it's time I started writing on my blog again.
I'm gonna really have to change the look of this dated.
It's been literally, almost a year. That's craazy dude.
Yeah, I'm gonna try posting like every other day now.