Tuesday, April 12, 2011

a rant

Some things just really set me off & sometimes it bothers me for days.

I know a lot of people my age who are just some really ungrateful people. They're so selfish and most times they love to tell everyone just how much about their lives sucks. Some of these kids give teenagers a bad name, (as if we don't already have one).
I think a lot of times my friends forget the point of having PARENTS. Their parents don't know about half the stuff going on in their kids lives simply because the kids refuse to have any kind of relationship with them. Dude, I don't know about them but I could never get by on friends alone. If you don't have your family, what do you have?
I tell my parents what's going on constantly. I never have to worry about what they're gonna say because no matter what it always makes me feel better. There is something that your parents can say to you that your friends could never. There is some kind of comfort they give that can only come from them. They who know you better than any of your friends ever will.
Don't get me wrong. I do have certain friends that I talk to about things alllll the time. And they know how to cheer me up when I'm down or give me some helpful advice. But even my bestfriend ever hears it all after my parents do.
If you can't trust that your parents are always going to be there to listen to you, then your obviously giving them little to no credit at all. Don't complain to me about how much you hate your parents and don't even try to tell me how they aren't there for you. Maybe if you stop bitching about them and actually go make things better, you'll be happier.

I love my parents.

1 Comments Of Wonder:

Joe said...

Rock on, Lilly.