Tuesday, January 20, 2009

NOW the President of The United States of America


Obama. Is President. This upsets me greatly.

Even though people say that I need to hope he is successful for the sake of the U.S. I do NOT want him to be successful. That is my opinion and I'm not changing my mind.

Abortion. Is the only thing I look at when it comes to politics. And he supports it.

I know that him being the fist African American President, is important to history and I will not deny that. But I will not, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE, support his presidency.

I'm ticked that he gets a parade. I don't think he deserves it. But that's just me.

AND if I get any comments against this post I'm rejecting them.

Thank you.

Monday, January 19, 2009


I'm posting at some late hour. Weeeee.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Platypuses have got it goin on!!!

I love the name of our team now! We won our first game!!! And I made a shot at the buzzer for the third quarter!!! Wow it was just great. I have NEVER felt that happy. The final score was 20-7!!! My entire team played a FABULOUS game. They we're just awesome!!! Can't wait to play the rest of the season!!! Ahhhh what a game.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Make-up New years post

Fourth post of the day. But anyways. My previous "New Years" post sucked butt. So this is going over 08 and things I'd like to do in 09. Let's begin.

08 was an interesting year. I met new people and made new friends.
New friends this year:
Zach Parker
Jack Sazma
Maria Davis
Levi Witherow
and I forget the rest, but I think there are a bit more.

People I figured out I hated:
Mark Dean
Jamie (last name unknown)
Mason Diot (some ugly kid in my neighborhood)
Darby Carolson (A girl in my book-club who doesn't know when to stop talking)
and then some who I can't remember.

People I already knew and can't believe how good friends we are now:
Autumn Spady
Taylor!! (link to her blog on sidebar, Chessie, Insane in a good way)
Maddy (everyone knows her)
I don't think there are any more.

Now the Holidays of 08:

I count my birthday as a holiday, and in 08 I turned 12.

Valentines day, suckish as ever.

St. Patrick's day didn't do anything
Easter can't remember but I think we celebrated at our house.

In June I went to Kings Dominion with friends and Family. That ws the funnest trip to KD I've ever taken! I rode all the coasters!! AMAZING RIGHT?!?!?!

4th of July was spent in Olde Town Manassass with Mark and Asa (people i just happen to know) That was the worst 4th of July ever!

Halloween! 08 was my last year of trick-or-treating and I went with my friends! It was fun I got lot's of candy! And Halloween ROCKS!

Thanksgiving was a small family gathering but still nice and lot's of good food!

Christmas was cool! We had John the day after and I ot lot's of awesome gifts!

I'm turning 13!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm playing basketball with the High-Schoolers!!!
Something I wanna do in 09 *thinks* ummmmm I don't know.

I think that about sums it up. Still not s great as Maddy's but descent!


My new new new new title

Don't you love the header? All orange and gray! Ahhh lovely. Credit goes to Maddy for finding the image! Anyway Dying Iris is a song I wrote, and soon a book. I think I'll dedicate a blog to it in the future. Ummmmmm I might post the lyrics on here but I'm still thinking on it. Not even Maddy has seen the lyrics to it, and I show everything to Maddy first. *thinks*

Amazingness shown

This girl wrote this song. She is absolutely phenomenal. She has written other songs. Look on youtube. Here is the link to her channel. Come on people Miley Cyrus is nothing compared to this. NOTHING.

Lilly =D

Get Smarter when watching Get Smart

What I mean by that is I learned that Dwayne, "The Rock" Johnson can never be trusted. AH! He's the bad guy, or helping the bad guy. Weird. Oh and for those who havn't seen it sorry if spoiled the entire ending for you. But that movie was really funny. Maddy, Sam, and I were the only 3 that could watch it. There is some language in it, though I was completely unfazed by it, Maddy as well. Anne Hathaway was really funny and Steve Carell is always hysterical. If you havn't seen it yet rent it, even though I spoiled the ending.

"Let's put a smile on that face"
--Joker, Heath Ledger

Monday, January 12, 2009

Thou name art confirmed

HeHe like the title??? Well you won't like the title of this. My mom got the email from my coach saying the name of our team, as awful as it is, is 'The Purple Platypuses" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! *pulls hair out* Good god in Heaven, it's awful! It makes me want to take a knife to the bimbo responsible for this disgrace! I am going to have to quite literally grin and bear it ALL SEASON LONG! But it's out of my hands now. That's that I suppose.

By the way,
My little 5 year old sister is very sick with a fever and stomach thing. She has been in her bed for two days eating small simple foods and water. Pray for the little thing will ya? Thanks!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

A sanity question...

Should I like count down day by day...or...hmmm...It is quite a large occasion. Well then again that could get some what annoying. But it is a HUGE day of the year. And this year more than any other. No I suppose I won't. But, no, no, I shouldn't. Okay thank you! That is all.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


I titled that last post incorrectly. I was thinking I would post about my birthday as well but then forgot only minutes later. SO here goes. My birthday is on the 30th of this month. I will be 13. So amazing I know. I'm very excited. More authority, respect, and privileges. YAY! I'm hoping to get a nano like Maddy did. I want one sooooo bad. Money is always good. Gift cards too. I guess that's it!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Basketball and Birthday

My first basketball practice was last night. And I practiced again a few hours ago. I did pretty good last night and awful today. Funny right? Anyway wish me luck this season, due to the fact that my team is filled with jumpy 16 year olds that cant pass to save their lives. But anyway (again) our team is (HUGE SIGH) "The Purple Platypuses" (ANOTHER LARGE SIGH) Hey I'll live. I do have a friend though! =o YAY! My games are like an hour er so and I play atnight now. Thats all for now!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy birthday Autumn!

It's one of my best friends birthday today! SHe is 12!!!!!! yay!!!! HAPPY B-DAY AUTUMN!!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

My post won't be as amazing as Maddy's, but I'll try.


Taylor is awesome!

Basketball is coming up, VERY soon!

Maddy is weird!

My blog doesn't have enough posts.

And Raisin Bran is awesome!

Well thats it. Bye.