Sunday, July 12, 2009


Alright. This is gonna be a long post.

Today (since it's midnight) is Sunday. That means Church. But this time, we've gotta get there early. Why? Glad you asked. Cause I have to be there at 4. Why? Another good question. Cause I have to be there for choir practice. Man. My parents are forcing me against my will. I really don't want to. I think I'm alright at singing. But I get really uncomfortable singing in front of people, (sides Maddy). Like the thought of it makes me sick to my stomach. But I have no option. I have to.

Maybe one day I'll be famous. Then everyone will have "told-me-so". Doubt it. I bet I'm gonna be so nervous I won't even be able to sing. If I ever have to do a solo I'll hurt something, or someone. My dad sings well. Maybe that's where I got my voice from. I dunno. But Jeez. I'm gonna whine all day. I should practice. Karaoke time!

I'll post about how it went afterwords. I bet I'll end up loving it. I dun wanna be wrong. AGAIN!

'=( < sweating face.

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