Saturday, May 31, 2008

The anger within

Today was soccer for both Carmen and Anna. It was hot out by the way. After Carmen's game, a family friend of ours asked me if I could stay with her son. She went to get her husband from her other sons game. I said to him, "Andrew, your mom asked you to stay with me for a minute OK?" He nodded and then saw one of his friends so of course he ran to him.
Here is the funny part.
Andrew's friend ran up to him and said (sounding very excited) "Andrew Andrew! Guess what I lost last night?!" Andrew looked very surprised and asked what. "I lost my first tooth!!" Andrew stood there for a minute to think then walked away upset and mad at himself.
Andrew's mom walked past Andrew as he was going the other way and then asked me "What happened?" I answered "I don't know I couldn't hear what they where saying." From the other side of the field we could see Andrew crying in his dad's arms and stomping on the ground. I ran over to see what happened. "Go away Lilly!" Andrew yelled. I could see he didn't want to tell me.
Minutes later he ran back to his mom and I to grab his water and begin his game. We saw from the side lines that he was no longer talking to his friend.
"Did you find out what happened?" I asked his mom after the game began. "He hasn't lost any teeth yet, so he is upset at himself because all his other friends have." That sounded right. Andrew does get easily frustrated.
So later in the game his friend asked him to pass the ball and Andrew yelled "NO!" Again I could see he was still a little upset. In the end Andrew and his friend where talking again and both happy to wait for Andrew's first tooth to come out.

The Daily Planner

Thursday, May 29, 2008

From way back

Guess who this little cheezy wheezy is!?! Ahhh those where the days...
The Daily Planner
P.S you think I was born to be wild?

A stangers perspective

I recently got my hair cut and have been pretty happy with it so far. But today I went outside to see one of my friends, (i thought differently of my hair cut after this next part) I walked up and said"Hi!" She said hi back. I could see that she had one of her friends over. "Hey you got a hair cut! It looks really cute!" I said thanks. But the other girl looked at me hair and said with complete confidence "Eww! I hate it you look like a boy!" I just smiled and walked away. Something in me wanted to go back and yell, but I could see that my friends mom was handling it. I was thankful for that! Readers my hair cut looks good, at least I think it does. :~|

The (short haired) Daily Planner


I am going away to the beach for a week. So Sunday to the next Sunday no posts. Sorry. Before we go I might put up some more poems though.

The Daily Planner

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

On my own

I'm sick and alone. The others our out to lunch with our grandparents and cousins. My stomach hurts and I want someone to talk to. Gonna have to wait another hour or so.

(the lonely) Daily Planner

Monday, May 26, 2008

Pool Blues

We went to the pool today. We had already been there for like an hour. One of our friends came and we hung out for a little bit. Then like 10 minutes later the whistle blew. As I walked over to where our stuff was I saw Mama was packing up. I was really mad we left so early, (at least I thought it was early.) And where does that put me? On the computer posting about it all!

The Daily Planner

Sunday, May 25, 2008

While doing the dishes...

...A minute ago I was at the sink scrubbing dinner dishes. Downstairs the other kids are supposed to be cleaning the basement. But from up here all I can here is, "AHHHHHHHH!" or "CRASH!!!" and other horrific sounds. I guess that means not much cleaning down there is taking place. Better go stop the chaos!

The Daily Planner

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Beach... going to be sooo much fun! I can't wait any longer! I've already planned out what I'll do! We are going to be there sooo soon! I keep dreaming about going too! YAY! The Beach!

The Daily Planner

Friday, May 16, 2008

Carmen can be...

...really really funny sometimes! We where in my bed (me and her) looking at pictures I drew when I was little. Some of them where very bad and me and Carmen had the funnest time doing a short commentary about all of them. We where both laughing are heads off!

The Daily Planner

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Do you like it?! Hope so cause Maddy helped me with it! I think it looks way better than before! AWESOME!

The Daily Planner

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Pentagon (my report)

The Pentagon

The Pentagon is the HQ of the United States Department of Defense, located in Arlington Virginia. It was designed by a Swedish American named, George Bergstrom, and built by John McShain. It was built in 1941. The Pentagon is one of the Worlds largest office buildings. It has five sides, five floors above ground (plus two basement levels) and five ring corridors per floor. It houses approximately 23,000 military and civilian employees. It’s made up of a small amount of steel and 680,000 tons of sand, dredged from the Potomac River. Inside there is:

131 stairways

19 escalators

13 elevators

7,754 windows

284 restrooms

691 drinking fountains

4,200 clocks

16,250 light fixtures

And there are:

1,200,000 pieces of mail handled monthly by the defense Post Office

And 200,000 phone calls made daily

The War Department is the forerunner of today’s Department of Defense. In 1941 The Department was operating from 17 separate buildings in Washington. So they built the Pentagon to house everyone in the same building at once.

September 11th 2001 or 9/11 the Pentagon’s outer wall was hit by an airplane. The Pentagon commemorates the Anniversary every year.

Anything incorrect? Hope not!

The Daily Planner

BAD DAY!!!!!!

I've had a very bad day! Geography club went awful! NO one paid attention to me when I was doing my report on the Pentagon. And NO one wanted to be my partner on anything we did! And throughout the entire meeting I was shaking uncontrollably. So since then I have not been feeling very well. PRAY FOR ME!

Love, (i guess)
The Daily Planner

Friday, May 9, 2008


I just put one of Carmen's cakes in the oven, her first Communion cakes. And when that was done I tried to get the smaller one out of it's pan. And I accidentally kinda short of cracked the bottom of it. It did NOT break in half, (THANK THE LORD) but Mama is on the phone. And when she gets of the phone she is going to be mad. Pray that I don't get killed!

The Daily Planner

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Another Poem

by Lilly A.

Don't fear the dark,
For God will light the way.

Don't despair;
For God will comfort thee.

Don't weep,
For God will dry thy tears.

Don't become weak,
For God will give you strength.

Don't be afraid,
For God is with you...


The Daily PLanner

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

An outlets life:

Today in my Grammar study I had to write a poem about a thing or person. We had to make rules about how this thing should live it's life. I wrote about an outlet, you know the thing you plug things into. Here is the poem:

"An Outlets Life"
by Lilly A.
There are four important things an outlet must do,
If it is going to shock someone true.
To start the vacuum running loudly,
To make a circuit fry badly.
To shock a baby's fingers sadly,
To make a lamp shin so proudly.

Mama thought that this was really good! What do you think? I thought it was funny!

The Daily Planner

Friday, May 2, 2008

The Wrong Message

Wednesday night the Eleventh Commandment Puppet Production did a very long performance for some of the CCD classes of All Saints. I was in three of the shows myself, hooray! But during one of the shows (Fishers of men) the kids got the wrong idea after hearing a certain line. the line was, "I'm a lovable person, everyone's constantly telling me how cute I am." The kids waited a second and then said very very loudly "ewwww!" Everyone backstage laughed and then continued with the show. LOL!

The Daily Planner