Saturday, April 26, 2008

My very very long day

I'll make this short:
Woke up
Did Anna's soccer pictures
Went to Anna's game
Did Carmen's pictures
Carmen's game
Went home and did chores
Went to the dinner
Watched four very active kids
Came home
And about to do the dishes

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Friday, April 25, 2008

Tomorrow is going to be a very long day

Because I have to wake up early and get Anna and Carmen's soccer pictures done then go to their soccer games, (witch are very far apart so we'll be at the field all day.) Then I have to go home and shower and then probably do some chores before we have to leave again, (we meaning Mama Papa and myself) to go to this Co-Op dinner at one of Mama's friends house. But I am only going to watch the little kids at the house so they don't bother the adults. But these kids are the most hyper kids I have ever met, (maybe?) Pray for me it's going to be a long day!

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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Why Carmen will never work in show business

Today I was pretending to host a game show with my siblings. I thought it was really fun, though I was the host and didn't do any of the challenges. But I made two teams, Maddy and Sam were the blue team, and Carmen and Kay were the Pink team. (Kay's choice) Anyway, the first challenge was to take your partner and create a costume for them using dress up clothes. When I told them to start Maddy and Sam started to work right away. But Carmen and Kay were trying to figure out what costume to do. Carmen had several ideas witch she shared with Kay nicely. KAY HATED ALL OF THEM! So Carmen, (very unprofessionally) started yelling at the top of her lungs about how horrible a partner Kay was. So Kay made a mad face and stopped the challenge.
In the end I had to take away points for Carmen's meltdown, and because after yelling at Kay for ten minutes she ran out of time to do her costume. Maddy and Sam won.(by a long shot)

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P.S (Say a prayer for Mama, she has been feeling sick all day. And we all really want her to get better soon.)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Another ordinary Day

Hi readers! Today I had book club. The book was good and so was the club. We wrote a short story about an animal with an on the spot name. We took a handful of Scrabble letters and made a name using them. We had to write a little bit about the character, like how old they were, what job they had and stuff like that. Another ordinary day. And if you agree that this is a weird post tell me.

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Why I hate the hiccups!

I know it's late but you have to know what happened at dinner. Earlier today I had the hiccups that were not so bad. But at dinner while clearing the table they came back. Every time I would try to finish a sentence I would hiccup louder each time. Everyone laughed hysterically at me. Mama laughed the most I think.
But then again I have never gotten the hiccups worse than the night of the Easter vigil. When the Priest was processing down to the altar, you see it was a mix of a yawn and a very loud and long hiccup. And since it was a big room it echoed and I'm pretty sure everyone there could her me.
Hope you never get the hiccups this bad!

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Sorry (again)

That I haven't posted or changed my pole or anything like that. But lately with soccer, and puppets, and other stuff we have been extremely busy. Or at least I think so. But there are a few things that I have to tell you about.
Friday we saw the bluebells for the second time that week, (not that we minded) and Mama let us take our shoes and socks of and play in the creek, though Sam and Carmen kind of swam in it. And some other family's went too. Like one of me and Maddy's friends from puppets was there, and we had a lot of fun with her! We are going again on Thursday morning. (Hopefully we'll have nice weather.)
And now I would like to share with you a poem that I wrote a couple of days ago! I worked really hard on it and I hope you like it as much as I do! Here it is:


Something’s in our midst and we can’t see it,

Everything we had perished in the burning flames of tears.

We fight for what we’ve lost in the past,

And hope the future that we hold to will be as precious as an eternal life with God.

The enemy is slaughtering the innocent,

And we feel that death is at our doorstep.

We pray for mercy on our souls before we go,

But in the midst of a failure we fight for our loved ones.

We bleed for the love of God,

And we bruise for the freedom from sin.

As we weep in sorrow,

We see the graves we will soon be bond to.

In our shame we pray for mercy,

We stumble and shake in fear of the Lord.

When death overshadows us,

We find ourselves in the presence of our savior.

His beauty is overwhelming,

And his radiance blinds us.

He puts forth his hand,

And with a smile we take his in ours and stay forever with him in Heaven.


Did you like it? If you did I will be posting more poems of mine soon!

And last I would like you to know that Flatworm weekly is being canceled. Sorry if you liked it or not but there is not much to post about them anyway.


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