Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ahhhh 2009.

What a year eh? It seemed to go by way to fast. Like John is already one and it seems like just yesterday he was born. I hate when the year goes by like that. I really do.

But anyways looking back on the year.

Early this year was my 13th birthday. I make one sucky teenager. Haha. The beginning of the year was also my last season of basketball at Manassas Baptist. I really am gonna miss that place. Lots of friends there. Lots of memories there. It's where my career began. I think I might cry. No just kidding. Seriously though I love that place. Sam is still gonna play there so I'll be able to go back a few more times in 2010.

I figure I should mention some people who haven't killed me this year :D My family is awesome. And without them I would've killed myself this year. Haha. No but they really are amazing and I love them all with everything I got in me. Those poor people had to put up with me for ANOTHER year. Hahahaha. I love them and just wanna say thanks for making me as awesome as I am. HAHAHA! I love you Papa, Mama, Maddy, Sam, Carmen, Anna, Kay, Agnes and Johnny!

Summer of 2009 also went by too fast. But it was a good summer. I got my yellow pass for the pool >:D Woo! And we went to Kings Dominion like we do every year. I went to basketball camp at George Mason University. That was the highlight of my summer. BEST way to spend a week. Nothing but basketball. Sam turned 11 and Carmen turned 9. They seriously need to stop growing. It's scaring me. AND I GOT MY LUIGI HAT! YAY!

My friends. I love them so so so so so much. Some of them are just the most awesome people ever! I love you guys! Maddy, Sam, Jack, Jamie, Marybeth, Dehja, Will, Marcus, Joe, the other Joe, Andrew, and Autumn, you guys are super stupendous and amazing! You all make me happy all the time! I don't know what I'd do without you!

Early this fall I joined my Church's choir. I know I was being really annoying with all my complaints about it, but I have really come to just love going every Sunday just to sing to God. It's like one of my favorite things to do now! And in the fall Aggie turned 3, Kay turned 6, and Maddy turned 15. The fall is always kinda boring cept for that. School started, ballet for Kay started, Tae Kwon Do started for Anna, yeah yeah yeah. All that stuff. And my uncle and aunts wedding was this fall. I haven't been to too many weddings, but I know that this was the best one I've ever been to already. I SANG AT IT O:<

The winter is always exciting as well. Anna turned 8, and John turned 1. Christmas this year was awesome! As I said a few posts ago I got my ears pierced for Christmas and that was the best gift ever! O: We went to the gingerbread party with a bunch of other friends. That's always fun. I love going and making my house all awesome looking. I ate almost the whole thing by the next morning. Haha. This past month has been fun.

I went through like 3 pairs of shoes this year.
I saw a gazillion movies over the course of the year.
I babysat A LOT.
I figured out I like to dance.
I figured out how blessed I am.
And I like horror movies waaaay to much.

I think that sums up the year. Right? Well now I'm off to go babysit some more! FUN! WOOHOO!

Happy New Year.

xoxo - Lilly

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