Friday, April 10, 2009

Maddy-moo and Easter too.

It has been brought to my attention that Maddy has been watching Batman Cartoons from the 90s on youtube. After watching one of them that she recently posted on her blog, I was a bit disturbed. Don't ask me why. She loves every second of it though.

It has also been brought to my attention that Easter is only days away. It seems that 2009 is going by to fast. Before I know it, the pool will be open and summer will have come. God I hate it when the year goes by to fast. 2008 was the same way, had any of you noticed. I got off subject. Anyways, the whole Easter bunny crap has worked my last good nerve. Why can't Easter just be about Jesus and only Jesus. Why do people gotta throw random little lies into the mix?! It really ticks me off. But I'm going to forget all about it and just enjoy my family and the risen Lord. Ahh.

Have a good Easter weekend.

1 Comments Of Wonder:

Unknown said...

Again, how DARE you insult my show!! -sigh- its not disturbing! I'm not a scary person!!!! D: