Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The president of the United States of America

This morning when my mom told me that Barrack Obama was the president of the United States of America I thought it was all over. My hopes have been crushed. All I wanted was a pro-life president like McCain. I think that Obama is going to support the killing (and or MURDER) of more little bitty babies than anyone else in the U.S. It makes me just wanna cry. All the other stuff that he's doing to help (supposedly) will never EVER be enough to cover up all the human beings he wants to die so a woman has a choice. Again I've never felt more let down and I don't know... All I can do now is pray that all the innocent little babies that die will be with God. And that the people that support Obama see that there is EVIL in MURDER, (what a surprise.) To all of the people who voted for Obama yesterday I want you all to know that if you did vote for him, your only helping abortion to become more legal. And yes as mean and like uh un-american as this might sound I'm mad at all the people who have helped Obama become president. Now everynight I'm going to say a long prayer for the mothers getting abortions and those who support it and Obama. That maybe they'll see the evil in killing little babies. D'=

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1 Comments Of Wonder:

Andrea said...

Yeah, with abortion, you're right, it's not right, but there are some cases where I can see it, such as rape, or if it puts the mother in danger (my sister pointed this out on her blog...). Have the people who don't want responsibility ever heard of adoption, I wonder.

It's wrong, but we can only hope for the best. Can't go back now.
