Thursday, October 9, 2008

Dinner making.

This evening I had to make dinner because Mama had to take Carmen to soccer practice and then go to some parent meeting at Church. We were having:

Tomato Soup
Apple Crisp

Yea I went all fancy with the whole menu thing... I hate making soup though, to my disadvantage. And sandwich making is a bucket of joy either, because everyone in my house wants something different, again to my disadvantage. Anna wanted PB+J, Maddy and Kay wanted Cheese, Carmen wanted an English muffin with apple butter, and Sam and I wanted an English muffin with cream cheese. Sometimes making dinner is fun and other times not. I don't know which of the two dinner making was tonight. And yes I made it all by myself, considering no one else ever helps me cause the rest of them all hate cooking. Mama made apple crisp before she left though and it was really good. Like really, really, good. I think everybody cept Kay finished all of theirs. MmMmMmMmM I can still taste it now. Aggie has a cold though. Her nose is stuffy. She looks real tired. And she is a little bit cranky. Poor her. Well that was a long post... BYE!

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3 Comments Of Wonder:

cyj said...

Interesting dinner...

cyj said...
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cyj said...

Interesting menu...