Tuesday, September 30, 2008


High School Musical 3, should NOT be in theaters. I mean the first two sucked anyways so why out the third one in theaters?! I just don't get it. Besides Zac Efron did such a horrible acting job in the 2end one. They need to stop making those movies really.

The Daily Planner

Monday, September 29, 2008

Great picture!


Friday, September 26, 2008


Monday, September 22, 2008

Aggie O.o

Wow... Sam was playing the wii fit today, (which by the way is totally awesome) and for 1 of the little games he was playing, he had to bend over and stick his butt out. And I think he had to stay like that for a little while. So Agnes seeing that Sam's butt was sticking WAAAY out must have been think "hmmmmmm". So she ran up to his butt and bit it for some time... Sam like stopped all of a sudden and screamed. So when we asked Aggie about it after dinner, all she said was "BUTT!" in a really high squeaky voice. Then I asked "Why did you bite Sam's butt?" She said nothin.

The Daily Planner

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Green Jacket

Oh yea.... I got me an awesome green jacket. It's so awesome and I love it! GREEN RULES! wow it's so amazing...

The Daily Planner

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Carmen had her first win of the soccer season today! YAY! Her and her team beat the other team 5 nothing! Sadly Carmen made no goals... But that's okay because she still won!

The Daily Planner

Friday, September 19, 2008


Has been deleted... sorry to disappoint.

The Daily Planner

Litlle cow...

Little cow
by lilly a.

Once there was a cow,
His name was Hank.
He was really stupid,
He never went to the bank.

This is a dumb poem,
I don't know why the heck I wrote it.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


~lilly~ is now public! WOOO! I have to look over the comments you send though so don't expect to see them right away... WOOT WOOT PUBLIC! Thanx readers!

Change of plans

Sam has taken the job with Anna's group and I will be doing things with one of the kids I babysit and Aggie... Mama thinks since I'm so good with little kids that this will be a big help to the moms.

The Daily Planner

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I'm helping with Anna's group YAY! We are doing American Geography... I think I'm going to like helping but then again I don't know... I am babysitting right after the meeting too which i love doing! Have a good Friday! (when friday is here that is)

The Daily Planner


Ughhhhh i hate popcorn SOOOO much... and actually right this second all of my siblings are eating it.... THEY LOVE IT! I can never eat it without feeling sick later. And all my friends can't believe how much I hate it. But then again disliking popcorn is weird, I mean who doesn't love popcorn right? (well i don't)

The Daily Planner

New name not new blog...

I was getting tired of "The Daily Planner" so I changed the name... but yes I am still the Daily Planner... I just wanted a new name... who likes the new colors?

The Daily Planner

Monday, September 15, 2008


Is evil! mwahahahahahahah

The Daily Planner

Friday, September 12, 2008


For the last three posts:


and for this one

The Daily Planner

its a boy

So all my readers know my mom is having a baby boy! YAY! Finally another brother!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Anna again again...

I was using the computer the other day and Anna comes up to me and asks "Lilly how are you?" I stopped typing foe a minute and replied, "I'm good..." Then she got a piece of paper and asked "Whats paper made of?" I of course had absolutely no idea how to answer that... But still I just said "Trees..." She ran to the window and yelled "Lilly I don't see any paper on the trees!" I laughed.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Anna again...

Sam and Carmen were playing wii when out of the blue Anna asks "Sam what is thin air?" Sam thought for a minute and then said "Well I guess its just air..." So Anna waited for a couple minutes and then asked "So what is fat air?" Everyone in the basement burst into laughter...