Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Lots of Girly things!

Today Mama had a friend and her three daughters over that live in Boston. The youngest one is like six months old and is really cute! Her cheeks are SO chubby and she was smiling the entire time! The 2 year old was hanging out with Carmen the whole time, but the 4 year old was all over the place! Anna and Kay really enjoyed playing with her and to tell you the truth so did I! Maddy and Sam didn't really play with all the girls that much though.
Previously I mentioned that I was going to this girls only night at my church. It was tons of fun and I knew lots of girls there! I made jewelry, got my hair done, and also gave my self some really badly painted nails, but oh well! Lots of people talked to us about modesty an dressing purely and that was really cool! And at the end we all got goody bags with a gift card to get my hair done, a prayer card, and candy! The whole thing was lots of fun!
And aside from all this girl stuff tomorrow I'm going to play with two boys and one girl. And Maddy (lucky girl) gets to go to the first round of the NCAA tournament!
That's about it!

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Sunday, March 2, 2008

Odds and Ends

I'm really sorry that I'm not posting regularly but we have been really busy with basketball and other things so it's hard.
But anyway, Maddy and I have had a pretty good basketball season so far. We've won 3 games and I'm hoping we'll win our last! Today we went to the 4:30 Mass at Holy Trinity and Sam was serving and this time he got to help clear the altar and that's put him in a good mood. When Father was walking back down the altar I saw Sam-since I was sitting on the end-he looked so focused and proud so I smiled and so did Maddy.
Yesterday we went out to lunch with our grandparents after our game and Kay was pretending to read all of our fortune cookies. it was really funny, and I laughed out loud.
Oh I almost forgot! After Mass today my friend-Monica from the puppet group-invited me to the girls night out that the challenge group is holding. There going to do jewelry making and lots of other girl things. You can win prizes and theres going to be talks about modesty and even more. Maddy didn't want to go-truthfully it's not her thing-so I'm going by myself.
Well that about sums it up.

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P.S If you read this leave a comment to let me know and vote on my pole!